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Experience to Education
Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Data Science Data Analysis Digital Transformation Project Management Health Services Project Finance Azure DevOps Credit Analyst Robotic Automation

Experiential Master Credentials

Cybersecurity: Malware Analysis

This Cybersecurity XPMC aims to prepare Engineering students and other aspiring cybersecurity..

Robotic Process Automation

Learn how RPA automates repetitive, rule-based tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic activities. Explore the roles..

Digital Transformation: Service Design

This project aims to prepare learners to partake in the discovery elements of a digital transformation..

Azure DevOps Initiative

Begin with the foundational concepts of DevOps. Understand the cultural and professional movement that combines software..

Mobile Application Security

Mobile gadgets have become more prevalent than desktops & laptops. Not only are they easy to carry, but technological..

Retail Demand Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This project aims to design an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution to address a specific future industry..

Project Finance Application

This project aims to prepare learners to excel in finance departments of large companies or financial advisory organizations. Team projects..

Digital Finance: Credit Analysis

Digital finance is the term used to describe the impact of new technologies on the financial services industry. It includes a variety..

Dynamic Web Application

This project aims to design and develop a dynamic web application to address the specific needs of a local library in managing its book inventory..

Experience the Future of Education

Agile11 1
Agile Framework
  • Embrace the Agile framework to enhance project management practices, fostering collaboration, transparency, and responsiveness to change.
  • Explore the principles of Agile framework, such as iterative development, continuous improvement, and customer collaboration, empowering teams to deliver high-quality products efficiently.
Agile11 1

Agile methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP), enable organizations to quickly respond to evolving requirements and market dynamics.

task based 1
Task Based
  • Embrace the task-based approach to streamline workflows, prioritize activities, and achieve targeted objectives with precision.
  • Explore the fundamentals of task-based management, including breaking down projects into manageable tasks, assigning responsibilities, and tracking progress.
task based 1

Task Based approach enhances accountability, fosters collaboration, and empowers individuals and teams to accomplish goals effectively and efficiently.

Peer Review11
Peer Review
  • Engage in the peer review system to ensure the quality and integrity of scholarly research, fostering credibility and trust within academic communities.
  • Explore the peer review process, where experts in the field evaluate research manuscripts for originality, methodology, and significance before publication.
Peer Review11

Embark on a journey of academic rigor and scholarly collaboration through the peer review process.

Workplace Simulation
  • Immerse yourself in lifelike workplace scenarios to develop critical skills, decision-making abilities, and teamwork dynamics.
  • Explore a variety of simulated workplace environments, from virtual offices to manufacturing facilities, tailored to specific industries and job roles.

Workplace simulation enables experiential learning, fostering competence, confidence, and readiness for real-world challenges.

Future of Work Skill (5 Digital Economy Capabilities)
  • Growth mindset
  • Career intelligence
  • Cultural intelligence
  • Influence
  • Digital intelligence

5DEC Capability is a combination of personal and technical skills, knowledge, processes, tools and behaviours that are critical to an organisation’s success and future needs.

wider context
Wider Context
  • Concentrate on specific abilities such as problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability, all within the wider scope of the industry.
  • Not only acquire technical knowledge but also learn how to effectively implement these skills in real-life situations.
wider context

Focusing on specific abilities such as problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability is crucial within any industry. It's not enough to simply acquire technical knowledge; it's equally important to learn how to effectively implement these skills in real-life situations.

Transforming Education
27.3 million people in India need digital skill training immediately as Automation threatens 69% of the jobs in India.

Source: Amazon web Services

Over 27 million people must be trained in digital skills by 2025 in order to unlock a $1 trillion digital economy

Source: IndBiz | Economic Diplomacy Division

By 2028, G20 countries risk missing out on up to $11.5 trillion of cumulative GDP growth if the digital skills gap is not addressed.

Source: Accenture

⁠92% of jobs require digital skills. ⁠India’s digital skilled workforce needs to grow nine-fold by ⁠2025

Source: National Skills Coalition

⁠Overall, 37% of the top 20 skills requested for the average US job have changed since 2016. Fully 22% of requested skills are entirely new.

Source: Shifting Skills, Moving Targets, and Remaking the Workforce Report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

In order to meet the projected demand of digitally skilled human resource in India, they will need a total of 3.9 billion digital skill sessions, over the next five years.

Source: Hindustan Times Tech

Only As only 11% of global business leaders agree that graduates from Higher Education have the necessary competencies to work in their companies.

Source: World Economic Forum

China and India together account for the largest technically automatable employment potential – more than 700 million fulltime equivalents between India & China.

Source: Internation labour Organization

Accenture projects that by 2028, G20 countries risk missing out on up to $11.5 trillion of cumulative GDP growth if the digital skills gap is not addressed.

Source: Accenture

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